Join us Sunday at 10am in person and livestreamed on Facebook
Join us Sunday at 10am in person and livestreamed on Facebook
No matter which door you come in, you'll find worship at the center of the building because worship is the center of all we do. An encounter with Christ, an experience of God's grace.
When you worship at MPC you can expect:
Above all you'll hear, maybe for the thousandth time or the first time, that you too are a child of God and you will be sent back into the world renewed, refreshed, and ready to try to serve God faithfully.
Hope to see you soon, Pastor Mike Goodwin
We gather as a family of faith to praise and worship God in community. We gather around the Word of God to listen for the Spirit’s voice speaking.
Through the scriptures read, sung, and proclaimed we are moved to respond through prayer, offerings, and service. Our members’ personal relationships with God are also enriched through individual worship practices supported by church-provided resources.
Scripture & Sermons
Memorial Presbyterian Church stands in the rich tradition of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) taking scripture, the Word of God, to be the focus of worship. We believe that scripture is the primary way that we come to know who God is for us; through the words of scripture we meet the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.
You can expect our worship and sermons to deeply engage the fullness of scripture, which speaks to our hearts as well as our heads. At Memorial Presbyterian Church worship is the center of life and faith. People of all ages and at many different places on the journey of faith gather in worship to hear God's Word and sermons that explore the intersection of faith and life, approaching life’s questions through our Presbyterian faith and values.
The Lord's Supper is a joyful feast in the presence of our risen Lord. The bread and juice represent the sacrificial body and blood of Christ and recall the last meal He shared with his Apostles. This symbolizes the New Covenant between God and His people. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has an open table. All who hold Jesus as their Lord and Savior, are invited to the table. At MPC, communion is observed on the first Sunday of every month and on other special occasions.
Children in Worship
Jesus welcomed the children to "come unto me" (Matthew 19:14). Therefore, we as a congregation commit ourselves, when we baptize children, to nurture their faith and support their families. That support means welcoming children of all ages in worship. We believe that their presence in worship enriches the gathered community with their sense of wonder and enthusiasm. Together, we have much to learn about the mysteries of our faith. We also provide additional worship options that are age appropriate.
Music is an integral part of worship at Memorial Presbyterian Church. We experience a wide variety of musical styles and traditions in our services through the use of hymns, anthems, and congregational responses. Our musical groups include a Children's Choirs, the Handbell Choir and the Chancel Choir.
Children's Choir
Children from Preschool through Grade 5 participate in a fun, curriculum-based music experience. Their efforts are shared with the entire congregation when they occasionally provide anthem music in the worship service. Choir rehearsals are conveniently incorporated into the Christian Education hour on Sunday mornings.
Handbell Choir
No experience is needed, just a willingness to learn and the ability to keep time. Handbell Choir rehearsals are held every Wednesday throughout the academic year at 6:00 p.m.
Chancel Choir
While typically comprised of adults, older youth are more than welcome to join in this ministry of music, as we sing our praises through much-loved hymns, beautiful anthems, and challenging cantatas. The Chancel Choir rehearses every Wednesday throughout the academic year at 7:00 p.m.
We look forward to welcoming you to our worshiping community!