Grounded in the grace of God and the Reformed Tradition, we believe in:
• Nurturing one another on the journey of faith.
• Compassion for all.
• Active engagement in the local and global community.
• Openness to the Spirit's inspiration.
Connect. Inspire. Serve.
The people of MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, of all ages and backgrounds, connect in faith, hope and love. We:
• Explore the intersection of faith and life, where Divine and human, sacred and secular, community and individual meet.
• Approach life's questions through the lens of Presbyterian faith and values.
• Develop a deeper relationship with the Triune God.
• Know and care for one another as an inclusive community of faith.
• Connect across differences.
The people of MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH inspire lifelong discipleship and spiritual growth. We:
• Challenge people of all ages to connect spiritually to Jesus Christ, and to live faithfully as individuals and as a faith community.
• Give generously of our time, talents and treasure to our faith community, to the Fox Cities, and to the world.
• Lead spiritually within and beyond our walls.
The people of MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH serve our neighbors near and far. We:
• Answer God’s call to discipleship through active service and engagement.
• Transform ourselves and our communities within and beyond our walls.
• Commit ourselves to faith, hospitality, life balance, and healthy lifestyles.
• Create authentic and meaningful relationships.